In 6 weeks from stiffness to suppleness

Ride freely,
ride confidently;
become a supple rider!

Join our online flexibility and mobility for equestrians program and become a better rider:

*If you are a member you already have access to this program.

Seen in:

At Equi-Yoga, we’re passionate about empowering equestrians to reach their full potential.
That’s why we’re excited to introduce our upcoming online program focused exclusively on enhancing flexibility & mobility for riders like you.

As an equestrian you understand riding isn't just a sport,
it's a dance of partnership & harmony between you and your horse!

To truly excel in the saddle, there’s a key element that often goes overlooked: 

your body’s flexibility & mobility.

Negative effects of bad mobility and flexibility in the saddle:

Imagine riding with the elegance of a seasoned professional....

Effortlessly guiding your horse through maneuvres, adapting to every shift in motion, and exuding confidence in every stride.
This level of mastery isn’t solely achieved through hours in the saddle; it’s rooted in your body’s ability to move with fluidity and grace.

Flexibility and mobility are more than just buzzwords;
they’re the foundation of a strong and successful partnership with your horse. 
Consider how these benefits can elevate your riding skills:

Would you like to experience:

These riders already felt the difference:


Meet your coach:

I'm Melissa, a certified yoga teacher, personal trainer specialized in functional movement & former professional showjumping rider.

My focus?
Empowering you to reach your full potential in the saddle!

Imagine a rider who effortlessly adapts to every movement of their horse,
maintaining impeccable balance & communication throughout their journey.

That's the level of riding prowess you can achieve when you prioritize your body's flexibility & mobility.
Melissa Seneca
Ex-professional showjumping rider, certiefied yoga & functional movement trainer.

What makes this program unique:

Made for equestrians by an equestrian!

Anytime, anywhere,
at your own pace!

Holistic approach!

For all levels & disciplines!

Already 200 + riders are being coached by Equi-Yoga!

Will you join our community of like-minded equestrians; training to reach their full potential?

Wat is Equi-yoga @ home?

What you get

flexibility yoga and mobility for equestrians

We help you stay accountable and make sure you make progress:

unlock weekly released videos

PRIVATE FaceBook community

Stephanie H.
Stephanie H.@steffiehernigequineart
Read More
I have been training with Melissa since the beginning of the year and keep looking forward to every session. Melissa keeps the trainings fun and engaging, always has a nice word of encouragement for me while I sweat through the exercises 😉

Ride freely, ride confidently: join our online equestrian flexibility and mobility program to transform your journey!


Most frequently asked questions and answers:

This program is available for a one-time payment. 

Once you have purchased it, you will have unlimited access to all content of this program.

The benefit of the Equi-Yoga platform is that you can do each program multiple times, and many of the Equi-yogi’s are using the same program for a longer period of time, and seeing increasingly positive results (through ‘progressive overload’ another word for saying, making things slightly harder each time).

You can also choose to purchase the yearly Equi-Yoga @home membership, where you have access to over 100 other training videos filtered by duration, focus, goal, etc…

In this case, you pay a small amount monthly and have unlimited access to all content on the platform during this year.

All of the programmes include progressive overload (another word for saying, making things slightly harder each time), or variations that benefit both beginners and advanced yogis, gym goers, or people who prefer to workout at home.

This means, if you follow the steps, anyone can join the Equi-yoga crew, and expect to get better, more flexible and mobile and more confident in the saddle over time using this program.

You should always consult with a medical professional prior to commencing to ensure that type of physical activity is appropriate for you.

There is no limit in time or watch time if you purchase this program seperately. If you start the yearly Equi-Yoga @home membership you have acces during one year (but also access to 100+ other training videos and counting), if after this year you do not cancel your subscription and let it renew for another year you will again have access during this year and so on and so on…

This entire program is online, with printable cheat cheets that you can use if you do not want to carry around your tech.

This depends on the video itself but they go from 10 min. to 35-40 min. 

As equestrians we don’t have a lot of time so these trainings are made in a way that they are efficient and effective!

It is advisable to use a yoga mat for these workouts. If you don’t have one, you can also get started with a thick carpet or a soft surface. Yoga blocks and straps are helpful, but if you don’t have these, alternative options such as a chair, belt, books, etc. are always provided in the video itself. Videos in the ‘stable stretch’ style are designed in a way that allow you to work out at the stable without any equipment.

Ride freely, ride confidently: 

join our online equestrian flexibility and mobility program to transform your journey!